There are multiple fee types listed below, that can be charged to a tenant. You receive all of the money that is collected from the tenant.
In the lease, you can set the rent amount and can also add additional items such as parking and laundry. You can select these additional items from the dropdown list or create your own custom fee names. The rent and additional items are collected together as one combined rent amount. Rent can be collected monthly, twice a month, or weekly.
Late Fee:
In the lease, you can set a Late Fee and a Late Fee Grace Period. The late fee will automatically be charged to the tenant after the grace period if the rent is not paid in full. You can also add daily late fees automatically.
Return Fee:
In the lease, you can set a Return Fee. The return fee will automatically be charged to the tenant if a payment returns. A return can occur for different reasons, such as: the account does not have enough money to cover the payment, the account is closed, or the account is frozen. The return fee will automatically be applied to the amount the tenant owes. The tenant will automatically receive a notice that a payment returned and will be asked to reschedule the original payment plus the return fee.
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